When the new year arrives, it’s a great time to take a home inventory. You may have gotten a special holiday gift (jewelry, collectibles, heirlooms or firearms) that needs to be insured, redecorated your home with a new piece of art, or made other changes to your home over the past year that would all require an update to your homeowners policy. It is important to let your agent know about these changes so that they can advise you on any policy changes you may need to ensure your property is insured fully and correctly.
Document Your Home Inventory
Take a video of each room, and describe the details of the room as you walk through it. You can also take close up pictures of specific high-value items. Don’t forget the attic and the basement. Often we store valuable items in boxes and forget about them. Make sure to upload these to a online drive in the event that your device is lost or broken. You may need this documentation at a later time.
Upgrades to Your Home
If you have added on a new deck, a new room, or had construction done in your home or on your property in 2020, document it, and talk to your DSI Agent. Updating your homeowners policy will help cover costs if damage occurs to these new aspects of your home in the future.
Have questions about doing a home inventory? Call your DSI Agent today. We would be happy to help.